• SA
    Day of Prayer for Peace

    The United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace in 1981, and reaffirmed it in 2002. Since 2004, Christians around the world have observed the day as the International Day of Prayer for Peace on the recommendation of the World Council of Churches.


    The New Apostolic Church has supported this movement since 2005. All congregations are asked to say a special prayer for peace in the divine service. As the initiator, Chief Apostle Wilhelm Leber specified the opening prayer as a suitable place for this.

  • TU
    Motto: Logo Competition

    We are happy to announce a creative art competition for our 2025 motto. You have until November 30th, 2024 to send in your unique artwork and win prizes! This competition accepts submissions from India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka up to the age of 25 years.


    The winning artwork or logo will inspire the NAC India official logo for the year 2025. It will be featured in major communication and publication channels (e-mails, website, social and print media), both in India and internationally.

  • SU
    Thanksgiving Day

    On Thanksgiving Day our focus is on thankfulness toward the Creator. His work is the visible creation as well as the invisible creation, today and tomorrow, which remain hidden from our eyes. The Lord has wisely arranged all of this for our benefit and use.


    In India, Divine Services are conducted on the first Sunday of October in which gratitude is expressed for God’s faithfulness to His creation. On this occasion, believers are called to bring a special offering of thanks.

  • SU
    Service for the Departed

    Already in the old covenant people interceded for the dead. In the new covenant the means for salvation are offered, and the faithful in the early church were baptised for the dead. We too want to plead with our heavenly Father to help the unredeemed souls in the beyond.


    Our prayers for these souls are indications of our love for our neighbour. We intercede for unredeemed souls in the beyond so that these souls can believe in the gospel and receive the grace of Jesus Christ.


    We believe that the departed participate in our divine services and thereby also come under the word of God. The sermons teach us that the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ brings salvation and that it is the foundation for the forgiveness of sins. The belief in this is the prerequisite both for the living and the dead to attain salvation.

  • WE

    Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and thus refers to one of the central events in the history of salvation: Jesus Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, was born by the virgin Mary.


    Through the appearance of Christ on earth, God abased Himself by taking on flesh in Jesus Christ. The manifold promises in the Old Testament in reference to the expected Messiah were thereby fulfilled.


    Our commemoration of this miracle of the first coming of the Son of God, which cannot be grasped by the intellect, also reinforces our belief in His imminent return.